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, by Ron Zemke
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Product details
File Size: 1813 KB
Print Length: 309 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 5 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Publisher: AMACOM; 2 edition (March 13, 2013)
Publication Date: March 13, 2013
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#51,198 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
This is a revised (2013) version of the (2002?) original, but a first for me. First off; this is a book that is/was desperately needed, if only to bring into perspective, and help mapping, the various generations at work. It does so in a surprisingly recognizable and personal way (i.e. via a lot of interview/research material); to such extent that I clearly can see all 3 (of the 4) generations described at work, to a surprising detail. They seemed to have deepened and improved the line of research that the first book represented, and I'm guessing that makes the material presented all the more solid. This is the kind of book that you'll need if you realize you need 'tools' (or map, if nothing else) if you want to work on something, and as such it is comparable to other books (or sets of ideas) that are equally 'hitting true' in related fields (i.e. 'Mars and Venus' for male-female relationships, the 'DISC' personality system for work-related personalities, etc.). Even though all these contain generalizations (in order to paint a clear picture), personally I maintain that if approx. 80% of it rings true and applies (either to yourself or others), it's good. And as you're probably aware; it's always the hardest to see oneself.Anyway, after having said this, some notes on the content (btw: also related to giving not 5, but 4 stars); 2011 marked the year that the first Boomers officially were supposed to start retiring (using 65 as the average age for that). The book is written/revised in 2013, just a couple of years after that, and per several observations in the book; they aren't retiring yet, posing serious immediate challenges for especially the Gen X generation in terms of career paths; imho, this warrants more attention. A fourth generation (pre-war), imho, is not relevant at work anymore (at least in my world; how many 73+ year olds do you engage with at work, really?), but is nonetheless included in the generation descriptions, and takes up an equal amount of written material. In terms of sheer numbers, the (surprising) facts are (at least to me) that the amount of generations at work are as follows; Millenials (top), Baby Boomers (2nd) and Gen X (3rd). This somehow seems reflected in the material presented in terms of representations, where the Millenial picture comes out clearest and most massively documented, followed by the Boomers, only to leave the Gen X-ers somewhat in the backseat. (BTW: If you had not guessed to which generation I belong, it should be clear now:).Yes, the Millenials get a LOT of attention, in the Articles as well as the descriptive sections; it looks like they're the new Boomers in a way, and probably would get along fine with them, if the older generation could let go a little bit of the stiffness they inherited (from their parents, the Traditionalists) and perpetuated (by their aging), and their 'ego' (putting a stamp on everything).In general, the Boomers come out pretty 'positive' in terms of accredited attitudes, and the book offers perspectives/advice on how to deal with them in other than a boss position. Now, maybe it's my line of work, but the Boomers are the ones that own everything, run everything, put their stamp on everything, and in all that manifest a greediness that in combination with the 'bop till you drop' mentality, poses a sheer challenge for the ones right below them, as they won't move over or give an inch, let alone offer a hand. This perspective is not represented in the book, if you were looking for that (as I was). As mentioned above, in combination with the recession and related effects on their bank accounts, they'er deciding to hang around even longer.Part I also includes a section on the international spectrum (or how they might relate to these clearly American descriptions/definitions), but that's limited by it's small number of included countries; but maybe helpful if you're from Brazil, Germany, France, India, Russia, UK or Saudi Arabia. I find Part II ("Where generations work well") actually the least convincing as it mixes various work-issues in with the Generational ones, thereby loosing focus, and where it does seem to relate it is mostly about how to relate to and accomodate the Millennials.To end on a positive note: the Interview section(Part III: "From the trenches") I found very good in helping to recognize patterns of thought in the various generations, not in the least by those who belong to the same generation (it actually made me chuckle at various times by the recognition of it). (And for all honesty; I did not read Part IV: "The Articles" yet). Summarizing; definitely a good read, for starters, but not sure how to pick up and take it to the work-floor, let alone find cures for some of the most pressing related issues today (2016).
If you are in business to market or sell anything you need to read this book. We all judge things through our own generational bias and preferences. This book tells you why "they" are different from "us" matter which "us" you are.
everyone need to read
Yes, it's me again purchasing books for my daugther…she has a new position and someone suggested she read this book and you know the rest… I went to omy and here it is…
This book was very helpful in trying to understand how the different generations think and how to better interact with them. I would recommend this book.
Great training resource for inter-generational learning
I liked the book. It gave me some great ideas on how to deal with multiple generations within the workplace.
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